China’s Economic Planner to Maintain Regular Forums with Private Entrepreneurs
China’s Economic Planner to Maintain Regular Forums with Private Entrepreneurs

China’s Economic Planner to Maintain Regular Forums with Private Entrepreneurs

China’s top economic planner has announced its commitment to hosting regular symposiums with private entrepreneurs, aiming to address their concerns and enhance the country’s business environment.

According to Li Hui, an official from the National Development and Reform Commission, the commission has already organized three symposiums with leaders of private companies. These symposiums have included businesses of various sizes, spanning different industries and regions. The objective is to gain a comprehensive understanding of the challenges faced by private enterprises in diverse contexts.

Li emphasized that the commission will continue to prioritize effective communication and collaboration with the private sector. The aim is to foster an improved business environment that supports the growth and success of private enterprises in China.

The private sector plays a crucial role in China’s economy, contributing approximately 50 percent of the country’s tax revenue, 60 percent of its GDP, and 70 percent of its technological innovation. Additionally, private businesses account for 80 percent of urban employment, highlighting their significance in driving economic development and creating job opportunities.

By maintaining these regular forums, China’s economic planner seeks to strengthen its partnership with private entrepreneurs, address their concerns, and facilitate an environment conducive to their sustained growth and contribution to the nation’s economy.


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