China Payroll
Expats with PhD Degrees Can Now Apply for Permanent Residence in Shanghai

Expats with PhD Degrees Can Now Apply for Permanent Residence in Shanghai

In a significant shift in immigration regulations, Shanghai has announced that expats with PhD degrees who are currently working in the city are now eligible to apply for permanent residence directly, without having to meet the previous requirements of work experience or minimum salary.

To be eligible for permanent residence, expats must meet the following criteria:

  • Hold a PhD degree from a recognized university
  • Be currently working in Shanghai
  • Comply with Chinese laws
  • Have a clean criminal record
  • Be in good health

The spouse and unmarried children under the age of 18 of eligible applicants can also apply for permanent residence.

To apply for permanent residence, expats must submit the following documents:

  • Application form
  • Recent passport-sized photo
  • Valid passport and employment-type residence permit
  • PhD degree diploma and authentication certificate
  • Valid work permit
  • Employment certificate issued by the employer
  • Employer’s business license or relevant registration certificate, and its online annual report for the most recent year
  • Health certificate issued by a domestic entry-exit inspection and quarantine agency
  • Criminal record check from the applicant’s home country, verified by the Chinese embassy or consulate in that country
  • Certificate of no criminal record in China

The new policy is expected to attract more high-skilled expats to Shanghai, which is already a major hub for global talent. It is also a sign of China’s growing openness to the world and its commitment to attracting and retaining top talent.

Benefits of Permanent Residence in Shanghai

Permanent residents in Shanghai enjoy a number of benefits, including:

  • The right to live and work in Shanghai without restrictions
  • The right to own property in Shanghai
  • The right to access public education and healthcare
  • The right to travel freely within China
  • The right to apply for Chinese citizenship

The new policy is a welcome development for expats who are looking to build a long-term future in Shanghai. It provides a clear path to permanent residence for those who have the skills and qualifications that the city needs.

Contact us for further information about Visa in China.

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