Shanghai to Host 14th Lujiazui Forum: Global Financial Opening-up and Cooperation Take Center Stage
Shanghai to Host 14th Lujiazui Forum: Global Financial Opening-up and Cooperation Take Center Stage

Shanghai to Host 14th Lujiazui Forum: Global Financial Opening-up and Cooperation Take Center Stage

Shanghai will host the highly anticipated 14th Lujiazui Forum, a prominent financial event, on June 8-9, as announced by organizers during a press briefing. Themed “Global Financial Opening-up and Cooperation: New Drivers of Economic Recovery,” the forum will feature seven plenary meetings and three engaging nighttime panel discussions. Over 70 distinguished Chinese and international guests, including renowned experts and policymakers, will deliver speeches and participate in discussions on pressing economic and financial topics. These discussions will encompass vital subjects like global monetary policy adjustment and the mitigation of financial risks.

Ge Ping, Deputy Director of the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Local Financial Regulation, highlighted the event’s significance as a platform to showcase China’s unwavering determination and initiatives to deepen its high-level financial opening-up to the global community. The forum will be jointly chaired by the Head of the National Financial Regulatory Administration and the Mayor of Shanghai, emphasizing the collaboration between national and local authorities.

Furthermore, Zhang Zhongning, an official from the National Financial Regulatory Administration, revealed that the implementation rules for the establishment of an international reinsurance center in Shanghai will soon be unveiled by the authorities. This demonstrates China’s commitment to developing a robust and internationally recognized reinsurance hub in the city.

The 14th Lujiazui Forum promises to provide valuable insights, foster cooperation, and shape the future of global financial openness and collaboration, making it a highly anticipated event for industry leaders and financial enthusiasts alike.


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