Sustained Commitment of British Firms to the Chinese Market
Sustained Commitment of British Firms to the Chinese Market

Sustained Commitment of British Firms to the Chinese Market

According to Andrew Seaton, the CEO of the China-Britain Business Council (CBBC), British companies maintain a strong commitment to the Chinese market. Seaton, who recently attended an investment promotion event in London for Shanghai, shared his observations from his visit to China two months ago, during which he and other CBBC representatives visited several Chinese cities.

Seaton highlighted that despite three years since their last visit, China has continued to progress rapidly. He witnessed a strong sense of economic recovery and significant activity on the streets, with businesses expressing optimism about their recovery. British companies in Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou demonstrated a resolute commitment to the Chinese market, their presence, investments, and engagement.

As the world emerges from the pandemic, Seaton emphasized the importance of refocusing on opportunities and ensuring that the trade and investment relationship between China and the UK brings mutual benefits to both nations.

Reflecting on the 70th anniversary of the “Icebreaking Mission” in China-Britain trade, Seaton stressed the significance of maintaining the spirit of breaking barriers and continuing to explore the vast potential for business cooperation. He noted that both sides recognize the immense room for further development in the trade and investment relationship, especially considering the growth of China’s economy over the past seven decades.

Seaton believes that the trade and investment relationship between Britain and China must adapt to technological advancements. He emphasized the need to support new British companies in various technology sectors, enabling them to engage with the opportunities in China.

Regarding the investment promotion event in London, Seaton described it as an excellent opportunity to reaffirm China’s importance as a trade and investment destination. He encouraged British companies to prioritize China and explore its potential. Additionally, Seaton emphasized the importance of understanding the specific strengths of different cities in China to make the overall China opportunity more targeted and effective.

While acknowledging that disagreements may exist between Britain and China in certain areas, Seaton emphasized the significance of identifying vital areas of agreement, collaboration, and cooperation. He highlighted that the trade and investment relationship between the two countries should be at the top of that list.

The unwavering commitment of British firms to the Chinese market demonstrates their recognition of China’s economic potential and the mutual benefits that can be achieved through continued cooperation and engagement.


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