Macao Sees Robust Growth in Merchandise Exports During June
Macao Sees Robust Growth in Merchandise Exports During June

Macao Sees Robust Growth in Merchandise Exports During June

Macao’s economy experienced a significant surge in merchandise exports during June, as reported by the special administrative region’s statistical service. The total value of merchandise exports reached 1.18 billion patacas (equivalent to 146.8 million U.S. dollars), marking an impressive 23.0 percent year-on-year increase.

Concurrently, the merchandise import sector also demonstrated strong growth, rising by 14.9 percent compared to the previous year, and reaching a total value of 11.97 billion patacas. Consequently, Macao’s merchandise trade deficit for June amounted to 10.79 billion patacas, according to the latest data released by Macao’s Statistics and Census Service.

Within the merchandise export category, re-exports played a pivotal role in driving the positive performance, exhibiting a remarkable 29.2 percent increase to reach 1.05 billion patacas. However, domestic exports experienced a slight decline of 10.4 percent, totaling 135 million patacas.

It’s important to note that the exchange rate between the pataca and the U.S. dollar was maintained at 1 pataca per 0.12 U.S. dollars throughout this period.

Macao’s growing merchandise export figures are indicative of the region’s economic resilience and the continuous efforts to bolster trade despite the global challenges. The positive trajectory in exports signals promising opportunities for the future and reinforces Macao’s position as a key player in the international market.


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