International Companies Explore Collaborative Opportunities at China’s Premier High-Tech Fair
International Companies Explore Collaborative Opportunities at China’s Premier High-Tech Fair

International Companies Explore Collaborative Opportunities at China’s Premier High-Tech Fair

The 25th edition of the China Hi-Tech Fair (CHTF) commenced on November 15th and is set to run until November 19th in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, in southern China. This five-day event, operating under the theme “invigorate the power of innovation, upgrade the quality of development,” has attracted participation from 4,925 companies representing more than 105 countries and regions, spanning an expansive area of 500,000 square meters (50 hectares).

Monika Kolpaczynska, the Business Development Manager at the China Representative Office of the Polish Investment and Trade Agency, emphasized the significance of CHTF for Polish enterprises, stating, “The CHTF is very important for us because it offers a significant opportunity for Polish companies to showcase their products and services in the technology sector.” She expressed optimism that the fair would facilitate the establishment of partnerships between Polish businesses and their counterparts in China, as well as enhance their understanding of the Chinese market.

James Banfield, the Head of Commercial Partnerships at Phantom Technology, a UK-based deep tech startup, shared his enthusiasm for the potential collaborations with Chinese partners, particularly in the realm of artificial intelligence (AI). He highlighted the rich landscape of technological advancements in the Chinese market as a catalyst for such partnerships.

Livia Nagy, Director of Product Operations at Now Technologies, a Hungarian company specializing in smart solutions for people with disabilities, outlined their aspirations to connect with Chinese hospitals and rehabilitation centers. They also aim to expand their network of innovators within China.

CHTF stands as China’s most significant and influential high-tech fair, serving as a pivotal platform for the nation’s commitment to openness in the science and technology sector. It fosters exchanges and cooperation between various countries and regions, promoting advancements and collaborations on a global scale.


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