China Pledges Enhanced Policy Support to Foster Inbound Investment
China Pledges Enhanced Policy Support to Foster Inbound Investment

China Pledges Enhanced Policy Support to Foster Inbound Investment

China is committed to advancing and reinforcing policy support to encourage foreign investment into the country, as stated by an official from the Ministry of Commerce during a press conference held on Monday.

Chen Chunjiang, the Vice Minister of Commerce, mentioned that the ministry, in collaboration with pertinent government departments, will implement guidelines aimed at further refining the nation’s foreign investment environment. These efforts align with the foreign investment attraction initiatives unveiled by China’s State Council on the previous Sunday.

Chen emphasized that the ministry’s focus will remain on deepening reforms, fostering openness, and optimizing the overall business climate. The objective is to ensure the stability of foreign trade and investment.

In conjunction with the stipulations outlined in the guidelines, the ministry will also persist in executing policies and measures introduced earlier in the year, according to the ministry’s spokesperson. These encompass measures introduced in April to stabilize and enhance the structure of foreign trade and those in June to intensify reforms within eligible free trade zones and the Hainan Free Trade Port. These reforms are in alignment with international economic and trade standards.

Notably, in January, a circular was issued by the country, urging relevant departments and regional authorities to extend additional support to foreign investors for the establishment of research and development centers.

The ministry intends to further elevate its policy support measures in the future. Collaborating with relevant departments, it aims to reduce the length of the negative list that restricts foreign investment access. Concurrently, the ministry will continue to expand market entry for foreign investment. Simultaneously, it will ease limitations on foreign strategic investments in Chinese listed companies.

Official data indicates a robust 35.7 percent year-on-year increase in the establishment of new foreign enterprises in China during the first half of the year, totaling 23,536 new firms.

Chen highlighted that China’s resolute commitment to openness, coupled with its expansive market opportunities, comprehensive industrial system, and favorable business ecosystem, is prompting foreign investors to intensify their engagement and investments within the country.


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