China’s Manufacturing Sector Stands Out Thanks to Scale and Robust Supply Chain
China’s Manufacturing Sector Stands Out Thanks to Scale and Robust Supply Chain

China’s Manufacturing Sector Stands Out Thanks to Scale and Robust Supply Chain

Industry experts recently underscored that the prominent strengths of China’s manufacturing sector are rooted in its impressive scale and the resilience of its supply chain.

During a seminar, Tom Van der Heyden, a professor hailing from a European business college, commended China’s manufacturing sector for its comprehensive product offerings and dependable supply chain. He emphasized that these attributes endow it with robust risk-resistance capabilities. Notably, textiles, electromechanical products, and light industry items from China have gained significant popularity in Spain.

Looking ahead, Heyden mentioned that logistics will be a major consideration for Spanish buyers looking to import Chinese products. He shared his insights during a seminar hosted by (MIC), a platform facilitating connections between global buyers and Chinese suppliers.

This year marks the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Spain. Figures from the General Administration of Customs reveal that China’s exports to Spain reached $32 billion last year, reflecting a 6.5 percent year-on-year increase. Spain’s imports from China accounted for 10.9 percent of its total imports.

MIC data highlights a substantial increase of 59.88 percent in overall inquiries from Spain in 2022. The top three categories receiving the most interest were healthcare, clothing, and fitness and exercise products. For Chinese exporters eyeing the European Union and Latin American markets, Spain emerges as a strategic and promising choice, as per MIC’s research findings.


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