Foreign Companies Express Satisfaction with China’s Business Climate
Foreign Companies Express Satisfaction with China’s Business Climate

Foreign Companies Express Satisfaction with China’s Business Climate

A recent survey conducted by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) during the third quarter of the year has revealed that the vast majority of foreign-funded companies operating in China are content with the country’s highly favorable business environment.

The survey, encompassing aspects such as tax compliance, market access, and dispute resolution, demonstrates that foreign firms conducting business in China are overwhelmingly positive about their experiences. Zhang Xin, spokesperson for the CCPIT, shared during a press conference on Tuesday that nearly 90 percent of the 700 surveyed foreign-funded enterprises expressed satisfaction with the mentioned business environment.

Moreover, foreign companies are optimistic about their future prospects in China, with more than 80 percent of respondents anticipating either steady or improved returns on investment for 2023, according to the spokesperson.

Zhang emphasized the CCPIT’s commitment to further enhancing China’s business climate, emphasizing principles such as market orientation, adherence to the rule of law, and internationalization. The aim is to ensure that overseas investors continue to find lucrative opportunities for development within the country.


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