China, Philippines reaffirm partnership in trade, e-commerce, fight vs COVID-19
China, Philippines reaffirm partnership in trade, e-commerce, fight vs COVID-19

China, Philippines reaffirm partnership in trade, e-commerce, fight vs COVID-19

China welcomed the Philippines’ move to expand exports of agricultural products and said it hopes to further strengthen industrial and supply chain cooperation with Manila to develop digital trade, green trade and e-commerce, according to Wang Wentao, China’s commerce minister.

Wang made the remarks at the 29th Meeting of the Philippines-China Joint Commission on Economic and Trade Cooperation on Tuesday via video link, a statement by the ministry on Wednesday said.

China also hopes to promote regional economic integration with the Philippines, according to Wang, as officials discussed the “Two Countries Twin Parks” cooperation, working together in the fight against COVID-19 and advancing the implementation of major projects.

Philippine Trade Secretary Ramon Lopez said at the meeting via video link that the Philippines attaches great importance to the two nations’ economic and trade relations, according to the statement.

The Philippines is accelerating the ratification of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership agreement, which was signed last year, and is willing to join hands with China to promote the construction of a free trade bloc that includes China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, he said.

The Philippines’ exports of agricultural products to China have been increasing rapidly, he said, adding he hoped that China would continue to provide support in terms of market access.

The Philippines is willing to work with China to continue to implement bilateral economic and trade cooperation plans, and advance cooperation in infrastructure projects, he said.

The Philippines welcomes investments from Chinese enterprises, supports the “Two Countries Twin Park” cooperation, and is willing to further strengthen e-commerce cooperation with China, according to him.

He also thanked China for providing assistance to the Philippines in fighting COVID-19, and hopes to further strengthen cooperation on vaccine production between the two sides.



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