Upcoming International Digital Economy Expo Set to Launch in Northern China
Upcoming International Digital Economy Expo Set to Launch in Northern China

Upcoming International Digital Economy Expo Set to Launch in Northern China

An eminent international digital economy exposition is poised to take place from September 6 to 8 in Shijiazhuang, the bustling capital city of Hebei Province in northern China.

Named the China International Digital Economy Expo 2023, the event will pivot its spotlight towards the advancement of the industrial internet, as disclosed by the provincial government’s information office.

The expo anticipates a dynamic lineup of forums and collaborative endeavors on an international scale. An illustrious assembly of approximately 400 delegates hailing from distinguished enterprises, venture capital firms, research bodies, and various other establishments will be in attendance.

Exemplifying the comprehensive scope of the event, more than 30 supplementary forums will hone in on critical sectors such as digital finance and artificial intelligence. These discussions will shine a light on specialized and innovative enterprises responsible for the creation of novel and distinctive products.

A key highlight of the exposition will be the release of a comprehensive report detailing the remarkable evolution of China’s digital economy. This report is set to offer invaluable insights and perspectives on the nation’s technological and economic progress in the digital realm.


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