Embassy Announcement: China to Reinstate Visa-Free Travel for Brunei Citizens
Embassy Announcement: China to Reinstate Visa-Free Travel for Brunei Citizens

Embassy Announcement: China to Reinstate Visa-Free Travel for Brunei Citizens

China’s decision to reinstate the unilateral visa-free entry policy for Brunei citizens was announced by the Chinese embassy in Brunei recently. The policy, which had been suspended due to the COVID-19 epidemic, will be back in effect from July 26 onwards.

Under this renewed visa-free policy, Brunei citizens holding ordinary passports will once again be allowed to visit China for various purposes, such as business, travel, tourism, visiting relatives and friends, as well as transit. The visa-free period will extend up to 15 days, providing ample time for travelers to explore and engage in their intended activities.

For Brunei citizens who had previously obtained visas to travel to China, their existing visas will remain valid, and they need not reapply. Furthermore, the embassy will continue to process visa applications in a timely manner for those who require it.

As of now, Chinese citizens holding ordinary passports are eligible to apply for visas upon arrival at all entry border checkpoints, including the Brunei International Airport. These visas will grant them a stay of up to 14 days, further facilitating travel between the two countries.

The resumption of this visa-free entry policy demonstrates China’s commitment to fostering strong bilateral ties with Brunei and promoting people-to-people exchanges. It is expected to facilitate smoother travel arrangements and enhance cooperation in various fields, benefiting both nations’ citizens.


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